Frequently Asked Questions

What Will I Receive After I Purchase 🛒

Vendor link: you will receive a digital PDF via email, containing the information to contact our vendor for that product.

How Can I Contact ZShopa 📲

You can contact us by our Snapchat, instagram, or TikTok,

What Would Happen If I Dont Receive The Email 🤔

The vendor links are sent directly to you via email. In the case that you do not receive an email, feel free to contact us in our email, Snapchat, Instagram and TikTok.

What happens If The Link Doesn't Work ❌

If the link is not working, please contact us through our email or any of our socials, we will fix the link.

Why ZShopa❔

At Zshopa, we are committed to providing 1:1 vendor partnerships, empowering our customers to succeed. Your journey to success starts with us.

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